Let me tell you an incident. I woke up one regular morning, stumbled to my kitchen and switched the light on to brew that first cup of morning coffee and that moment I discovered a disturbing scurrying all across the kitchen counter. Ants. There’s nothing more frustrating than discovering a trail of ants in your kitchen. And you can hardly find any simple solution to get rid of ants in kitchen.
Now, when ants start an invasion of our home and yard we got to be prepared to fight them off before the infestation gets out of control.
If you aren’t a huge fan of chemical pesticides like me since they can be harmful to us, there’re natural ways to get rid off those annoying insects and keep them out for good.
I’m going to share some of the natural remedies also the one which works for me well to get rid off tiny ants in the kitchen.
First, let me show the most effective- and smart-easy way- which I found most helpful to remove ants.
How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in Kitchen
Use sugar water and baking soda. These kitchen ingredients work best for me to get rid of tiny ants. Just follow this step by step process:
- Use two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of powdered sugar
- Take an empty water bottle, just cut it and make a little cup
- Mix baking soda and sugar with a very little amount of water, just enough to make barely a liquid
- Put the mixture in your little bottle cup
- Set the cup in a place where ants can reach to it
- Ants will go after the sugar mixture and baking soda will kill them
Safety caution: if you have pets and kids, put the mixture in a place where pets or kids couldn’t get it. I’m not sure if baking soda can be harmful to them or not. But it’s always best to embrace safety.
Watch the video below to understand it more precisely:
It seems like an easy non-workable solution, but trust me, this method brings an incredible result for me. Because there’s sugar mixed into it ants won’t know the difference between sugar and baking soda, go after it and die. It’s a like suicidal trap for tiny ants.
Now, if you use this formula you can get rid of 80% of ants from your kitchen. In case you want to try something different. Here’re some natural smart methods that you can try to keep those pesky little ants away.
Handwash and water method to get rid of tiny Ants
You can get rid of visible tiny ants from your kitchen in 10 seconds using handwash and water. Take a used water bottle. Or you can use an empty spray bottle as well.
If you’re using a normal water bottle then just make a tiny hole in the cap, that way you can throw water on the trail of ants.
Take 20ml of your handwash and one glass of water. Enter water and soap into the spray or water bottle. Mix it up by shaking. when you’re ready, search for ant trails or colonies.
After you find them just throw the mixture or spray onto them. The soap will kill them instantly within 10 seconds. Find one by one ant trails or colony and just spray the mixture. This method will help you remove ants
Use Cucumber Slices
Cucumber smells like trouble to ants. Apparently, there’s something in their chemical composition that eliminates the fungi that ants love a lot.
Find hotspots in your kitchen and your house as well where the ants are most frequently visiting. Normally they stay around food and water and also any gaps, crevices and holes.

Leave some cucumber peels or slices in those places. This is a quick and temporary solution for visible ants, but make sure to remove the cucumber after a few hours since you don’t want to attract cockroaches that aren’t afraid of them.
Citrus Fruits Method
You might love the smell of oranges, lemons and grapefruits but ants can’t stand it. Leave some ground dries citrus peels near entry points to the house in flower beds in potted plants to scare away ants.
Use pour lemon juice or even lemon cleaner and spray openings, sinks, counters and tabletops day by day. It will also bring great results.

Ants will lose their sense of tracking and won’t be able to detect the odors of food particles and residue they naturally attracted to.
Using this method you can also prevent future ant invasion in your kitchen.
Use Cinnamon
Cinnamon functions as a twofold specialist: it makes your home smell like fantasy and helps you defer ants at the same time. Powder, oil and sticks are all good for this purpose.
You can simply sprinkle your ordinary kitchen spice at entry sites to disturb the ants’ route. You can draw a cinnamon barrier line or a cinnamon oil line with a cotton swab.

If you blend cinnamon oil with water in a spray bottle and sprinkle it on insect trails, windows, entryways and breaks, it’ll have a significantly more grounded impact.
Cinnamon sticks casually thrown around the hot spots will also do the trick.
Vinegar Method
Vinegar is another thing ants totally hate. Also, it’s pretty affordable.
Take one cup of vinegar and one cup of water or you can use more than this amount. Just maintain the 1 to 1 ratio of water and vinegar. Mix ii up. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture.
You can splash it onto the ants, around the windowsills, entryways and spots that ants love. You can even wash floors, windows and countertops with this arrangement.
This way you’ll get them both super clean and ant-free. And there’ll be no scent left behind after it dries.
Cornmeal Method
Cornmeal isn’t the speediest method to destroy an ant colony however it’s totally harmless to humans and very cheap.
Sprinkle it on ant trails and nests. The insect will see it as food and have a feast but they won’t be able to digest the meal and eventually die.
How to Get Rid of Ants on Kitchen Counter

Your kitchen counter is one of the most common places you’ll find ants once you have an infestation. However, don’t just use ant spray that contains poisons on your kitchen counters if you don’t know how to use it correctly.
Just use this simple method to get rid of ants on kitchen counter:
- Use boiling water and dish soap, it’s another ant secret to remove ants from kitchen counter
- Take a spray bottle with hot water, fill a little amount of dish soap into it.
- Mix it up carefully, beware of hot water leakage
- Spray the mixture onto the trail of ants on your kitchen counter.
- Search for a colony and spray the mixture on there too
Using this method will help you kill and reduce the ant number by 80%. Even just pouring a kettle of boiling hot water onto their colony is more powerful than you imagine. It’ll also kill the weeds if you have any on the sidewalk cracks.
How to keep out ants in future
Use these tips to keep your kitchen an ant-free zone:
- Regularly wash kitchen countertops, floors, and cupboards with cleaners appropriate for the particular material.
- To keep ants under control, never leave uncovered food or drink on counters or floors (that incorporates pet food); consistently store extra food sources in impenetrable compartments.
- Standing water is a solicitation to ants to drink up, so wipe up water and other fluid spills as they happen and don’t leave pots and dishes absorbing the sink for in excess of a couple of hours all at once.
- Keep the top on lidded trash bins shut firmly when not being used, and take the trash out every one to three days.
- Make your kitchen unwelcoming to ants by covering previous ant entry points with homemade ant repellents, for example, two tablespoons of peppermint oil and a quart of water, equivalent amounts of apple juice vinegar and water, or a sprinkling of cinnamon powder.
- Routinely assess the kitchen for plumbing or machine releases and fix the hole and any dampness harmed indoor designs to forestall the arrangement of indoor. ant nests.
- Trim tree limbs that touch the siding of your home; if the tree harbors an ant nest, the branches can go about as a scaffold for ants to enter your home.
Although all tricks mentioned above are extremely effective to get rid of tiny ants from your kitchen. But sometimes it can be too late that your hard work doesn’t pay off and ants are becoming regular visitors to your kitchen, it may be time to hire a professional to help you figure out the problem.
Professional solutions can also help you get rid of tiny ants in a matter of minutes.
So, have you tried any of these solutions or maybe you found some others that work? Let me know down in the comments.
Facing Cockroach problem? Follow these easy method to get rid of cockroaches.